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Day 39

We have just moved her to LDS hospital in Salt Lake City. She did really well on the transport and they will allow us to be with her, unlike most patients. So I will be spending the night with her here in the room. They will probably move her to another room tomorrow, but we will find out more information in the morning.

Thank you so much for keeping up with her 🙂

Day 38

Things are in a holding pattern today, they are trying to let Becca build some more strength. She is resting some more today and if all continues as planned, she will be moved to LDS hospital tomorrow for her physical therapy (PT). She should spend about a week there and then move back to the Huntsman center for a week a chemotherapy. Then she can come back to the house and go up there for treatments! Becca is thrilled and determined to make this happen (she seems to be tired of the hospitals, but who wouldn’t be). I know she can do it, we just need to keep praying for her. I know that with the Lord’s help she can get through this!

Day 37

Becca is resting well today. She had a bit of an uncomfortable morning and lost her breakfast. However she is in good spirits and is trying to get stronger. Not a lot has happened, but they have taken her sonogram of her back to see why there is a bulge at the top of her tail bone surgery. We should know more later. I am still working with insurance to see if we can keep her at the Huntsman for physical therapy, rather than moving her again to LDS. The doctors don’t want to have to move her, but I don’t know that we have a choice.

Day 36

Sorry the post is so late… I had it done but my laptop crashed… how funny is that? 🙂

We made it just fine to Utah. It was a great flight on Southwest and we had a great friend to help us get here. The boys did awesome as I knew they would. I have been going over a list of things I forgot already, but that’s why there is a Walmart on every corner now.

Becca is doing alright today, but very tired. She is a little anemic, so they are pumping her up with a couple of pints of red blood. She is on some medication that makes her sedated and tired. So they will work on that the next couple of days. There is also talk they will take her to LDS hospital for physical therapy and then bring her back her for treatment.

I can’t thank you enough for all your prayers, they are working. We gave her another blessing tonight and I know it will help. If you all would like something specific to pray for, please pray that they won’t need to do surgery in the next few weeks. Becca doesn’t really like needles, much less being cut open again 🙂

We love you all and we are not alone… keep up the prayers!

Day 35 PM

Guest Blog…by Mark E.
Randy and the three boys made it to SLC this afternoon and they were reunited with Rebecca. The boys hadn’t seen their mother since last Saturday, so everyone was excited about being together again.

Rebecca is doing very well and has made visible improvement since I last saw her on Wednesday morning. She was not only surrounded by Randy and the boys, but by many other supportive family members. She has tremendous support and love around her around the clock.

Her schedule is filled with physical therapy and many tests as the oncologists and other specialists zero-in on an aggressive treatment plan. Everyone is anxious for the next steps and a clearer picture of the coming weeks and months to emerge.

Randy and the boys’ care is in excellent hands as both sets of parents and a multitude of other family members are on-hand to assist in any way.

The Huntsman Cancer Center is a beautiful facility in the foothills above SLC. Her room and surroundings are gorgeous. Everything is state-of-the-art, warm and comfortable.