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Day 77

As the last few weeks have been good for Becca, today has not. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I do want to share the truth as to what she is coping with. This round of chemo has taken her for a loop. She is really tired and very sick. We were warned that either the last one, or this one could do this. Each time she received chemotherapy, it sort of adds up. So, her body is kind of ‘retaliating’ against it. The good news is she is still hanging in there, it’s just been a very rough day. I know that we will get through this and they gave her the best room in the hospital 🙂

With General Conference going on, I just want to share my love for the Savior. What a great example in my life. I know that we are not alone in this. Our Father in Heaven and His Son are with us and watching over each of us. It is through our challenges that we become closer to Him and find ways to help others, as Christ would. I pray that each of you are blessed and receive the things that you need as you continue to pray for my family. We couldn’t make it this far without you. The tumor will shrink and Becca will be healed. We love you all.



Hi Becca,
I miss you and want you to know that I’m thinking of you!! I’m so SORRY I haven’t been by to see you (dang flu and bronchitis!) I’ll see you this friday for our “girls” night! LOVE you!!! Sarah
p.s. Anne it was good to talk to you today. LOVE YOU TOO!!!


Ohh sweetie, hang in there. I cant even begin to imagine how you are feeling right now, so I wont pretend too! But just know that the sicker you feel, the harder we are praying for you, and the more love we are sending you. You are the best friend a girl could ask for, and I know that through these challenges the Lord is allowing you to bless my life, and so many others that you have touched. You are my angel, and for that I will always love you. Hang in there, I want to see how far you have made it when I get out there in a few weeks. Yep…. a few weeks, I cant wait. I will call you soon! Love, Amber


I thought about you while watching conference today. Hope you were able to watch it, it was really good. You are in our prayers. Hope the pain goes away soon. You are lucky to have such a nice husband and great kids to take care of you.



You do not know who I am, but I am in your ward back in Texas. My children, Declan, Decota, and Cambria Johnson are in Primary and have been praying for you daily since the night that we learned you had gone into the hospital. I so appreciate your willingness to share such personal things with the world, and for allowing all of our testimonies and faith be strengthened through your example. My children love to come and sit on my lap as we take time to sit down and catch up on the news. Today I was touched as I read about your struggles this week with your round of chemo. This time it became very personal to me as I felt like I had an minute inc-ling into your pain and courage. Our middle child, Decota, was diagnosed with arthritis as she turned three. She had completely lost the use of her right leg had resorted to crawling around on her stomach everywhere. She got to the point that she was in so much pain that she just came in and out of consciousness day in and day out. Then the Doctors decided to put her on Methotrexate. It was very small doses, and I gave her the shots from home once a week, but it was terrifying to do it to my little 3 year old. The day after her first shot she slept most of the day, only waking up long enough to vomit, and then fell back to sleep. He face was so white, her lips were gray, and I felt so scared and alone as my Husband was out of the country and I alone had to make the decision to start her on the meds. By the end of the day I was so scared, I scooped her up in my arms, took her to my Grandfather and uncle and had them give her a priesthood blessing. Decota slept through the rest of the day and night, and when she woke up she felt great. She remained on the medicine for 4 years, and she was never sick from it again. I know that there were lessons that we as a family needed to learn from this experience, and I am grateful for the experience. I am also grateful that a loving Heavenly Father was able to lessen her pain as she willingly was a tool in his hand to teach us important lessons. It took 6 months of physical therapy to get the movement back in her leg, and 4 long years to get her into remission, but looking back I would not trade the experiences for the world. At the end of her treatment I was giving her a shot and she resisted and the needle stuck me. Only a drop of the medicine when int my body, but it was like liquid fire. My hand was on fire and my finger her for minutes. I went to her doctor in tears and told her that I could not do this to my baby any more. She told me it was over, she was healed. I can’t even imagine the pain you are in. I am truely in awe of your strength. I also know that you will be blessed for your example, and for your willingness to be a tool in the lords hands. He will never ask for more than you can handle, and when you are truely at the end of your rope, he will be there to relieve your burden. I know these things in the depth of my soul. May the lord bless you and your family and may you feel the love of the many, many people that wisperyour name to their Father in Heaven Daily. Our Family’s love and prayers-
Chanel Johnson

Angela Smith

Dearest Gibbons family,
We are glad she’s doing better and continue to pray for y’all. Tell Becca that Molly says hi and we all send our love and best wishes for a quick recovery.
The Lonnie Smith Family
Gilbert Arizona


Rebecca and Randy, John and I are here for you and your family should you need anything! We love you guys and miss you and we are praying for you! We know God hears and answers prayer! Lean on Jesus! Hugs, Rachelle and John P.S. I am sending you a surprise this week in the mail.:)


Hey Becca, I told Beth to let you know, but thought I’d follow up. I reacted differently to every single chemo treatment I had. I remember the 2nd being the worst, but it was never the same. Being so tired you didn’t want to move or talk was awful. Hang in there, be grateful for the “off” time you get, and know it doesn’t last forever. You ARE getting better. Randy, I really appreciate your sharing the truth with us, the good and the bad. It helps us with our prayers. Love, Susi

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