Day 106

Today has been one of a lot of tears. Becca was able to come home today. She wanted to see our boys perform in the Primary Church program. She made it home just in time to be able to go to church. It was a great program and we were all in tears. This is the first time she has been to Church since this started.
It was really hard for us because we really wanted to be back in Dallas before this event. We knew it really wasn’t going to happen, but we still had hope. The boys did really well and we just kept thinking about home. It’s the first time we have seen Becca really smile in a long time.
Becca is doing alright tonight. She is still a little sick, but dealing with it. Tomorrow she will go back and have the port put in. It’s a quick day surgery, but it still makes her really nervous. It will be much better to have it in, but we just need to get her past tomorrow 🙂
Thank you all SO much for your kind words, thoughts, gifts, and most of all prayers. We truly could not do this alone. We are forever grateful for your generosity and will continue to fight to beat this. We love you all, keep praying.
We love you all very much and miss you all very much. Our love and faith are always with you.
Im glad you were able to go see the boys perform. That’s really cool. It was the primary program for our ward yesterday also. You would be really proud. I love and miss you a lot. All of you. Cameron is my desktop background on my computer at school and at home.
Love you Bunchez!!
Love, Bronwen
Still missing you guys. I haven’t forgotten you though I haven’t been leaving messages. I’m so glad Becca was able to go to church. I wish I could spend a weekend with you guys just to be near Becca again. I hope you’re still trusting the Lord and feeling his support. I know He will see you through. The boys seem to be growing–especially Cameron. Bonny and I are both lonely for his hugs; we’re afraid he’ll forget us. The other boys are old enough to remember (at least Bronwen hopes so.).
So glad you got to see the program together. Will talk to you soon.