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Day 84

This has been another rough trip. The good news is this cycle is over. Becca ended it by taking Cisplatin and Doxorubicin. She now has two weeks off until her next cycle so we hope that she can get better. They let her go tonight even though she was still vomiting due to her willingness to walk around the hospital. They felt she would be ok going home. She has been sleeping a lot due to the medication.

As hard as this is, we know we must continue to press forward. The Lord has protected her many times and we know we will get through this. The road ahead seems long, but with the continued prayers and faith of so many, we know we will make it.

Please ask a friend to pray as well tonight, she could really use it.

Day 82

Becca had a pretty good day today. We snuck her out and went shopping… I know a girl’s dream 🙂 She is a little slow to keep up with the boys, but she tries her best. She wanted to get a store in before she has to go back to Huntsman in the morning. It should be a quick visit this time, but we will see.

The boys and I are actually doing well (as good as you can). I’ve tried to keep things as normal as possible. Ricky is doing VERY well in school (just got his grades – his Texas teacher would be proud) and Michael is just enjoying pre-school. Cameron is just breaking hearts like always. And me, well, I’m keeping busy with work… there is ton’s of it 🙂 Not only with Southwest, but around the house, taking care of business. It’s good for me to keep busy, one day I will be able to sit down and think long and hard about all of this. Right now Becca is who needs the help and WE are all here to do it together…

Thank you all for everything!

Day 81

Becca actually made it home late Monday night at about 10 PM. They totally surprised me so I’m sorry about the update. She is doing much better, but still tired and sick. But it’s nothing like it was. She will go in on Friday for a quick treatment. She should come home the next day. This will be the last of this cycle and she will have two weeks off… Yeah!
Keep us in your prayers 🙂

Day 79

I wish I had better news, Becca was unable to come home today. She has been so sick and in pain that they wanted to make sure they get it under control first. Becca is in good spirits, but extremely tired. But that’s ok, she would rather sleep.
They think they have it correct now, so there is a chance she will be released tomorrow some time.

Becca wanted you all to know that she is very thankful (as am I) for all the love, prayers, support, gifts and packages. They really go a long way and they seem to arrive in great timing.

Isaiah 41:10,13

Keep up the prayers.