Day 304
It’s amazing how well a person really feels without poison running through there veins 🙂 Becca has been doing really good the past few days. Each day she looks a little better and is able to do a little more. We are just trying to keep her as healthy as we can until next week….
We had a great weekend. As some of you know, Ricky turned 8 on Sunday. Ricky wanted to be baptized in Utah since we had all the family there. So, we received special permission to hold it on a different Sunday than the Stake, and I was able to baptize Ricky on his birthday. It was a beautiful day, as we were able to share it with our family and then have them over for cake and ice cream. Becca was so happy to be able to make the dates work with her chemo and surgery. It was a very special day.

Thank you all for your continued support, please keep her in your prayers.
Rebecca looks great! It is so nice to see her up. We are praying for her and her surgery.
I can’t believe Ricky is baptized. It doesn’t seem that long ago he was in preschool at my house. He is so grown up now! Exciting time for him. He will LOVE cub scouts.
We think of you all often and look forward to hearing how successful the sugery is next week and that you are coming back to Texas.
Heather Perdue