Day 313 Update #4
Becca is now out of the ICU and back in her own room, which is a ‘critical care’ room. She is doing really well and SO happy… she keeps saying, “I’m cancer free!” Her pain is under control now and they are monitoring just about everything. They are giving her some more blood as her pressure is a little low, but they are happy with the results of everything.

I wanted to give an illustration for the sacrum and tail bone (coccyx). They removed the right side and down of the last two of the dorsal foramina through the coccyx. According to the doctor, they saved as much of the left side as they could. He mentioned that when he normally finds the tumor, similar to a walnut, but Becca’s was almost dissolved.

Randy~I still read up almost every other day or so. So happy to see surgery was a success today. Your family is always in our thoughts and prayers. Luv-Kim & the whole PHX office!
How wonderful to see Becca’s smiling face! We will continue to keep all of you in our prayers.
I emailed a request to our bishop, among others, to remember her in their prayers and thoughts. He subsequently emaile it to the ward council and so I had lots of inquiries about Becca tonight when I took Katelyn to Achievement Day at the church.
So glad it went well. Love you all. Sherri
Your beautiful smile brought tears to my eyes! We are so happy the surgery went well and you will continue to be in our prayers as you recover and work towards home.
Love, Heidi Pierce