November 1, 2007

Wow things here are great! It sure is fun to be able to spend some holidays here with the boys and my hubby. Randy and I went to a Pirate Party without the kids. It was so much fun. I missed it last year since I was in Utah. This family goes all out and decorates it so well. I’m sure it took them the whole month of October to get everything done. We even went on a scavenger hunt dressed up!! In public!!! Hopefully no one will recognize me. Still it was a blast. Yesterday was Halloween and the boys had a blast. Ricky was a Motor cross driver, Michael was Batman, and Cameron was Tiger. When we pulled out the costumes to get ready on Monday to go to our church Trunk or Treat, Cameron got his costume and wanted it on. He danced around the house after we put it on. It was so cute. Ricky and Michael were so excited just to go get the candy. There was a great turn out at the church. The boys got way too much candy. I guess that is how it will always be on Halloween. I know I loved getting lots and lots of the candy. On Halloween night my neighbor and friend Rachelle invited us to their church Fall Festival. Wow. It was a blast. They had everything there. Here is just a list of a few things: games galore inside, cookie walk, cake walk, toddler room of games, then outside they had rock climbing, bounce house, picture on a fabulous motorcycle (a real one) with the driver, free cotton candy, popcorn, and snow cone. That is just a few of the things they had. It was wonderful. I posted some pictures of the boys in their costumes. Now on to my hair. IT IS CRAZY!!!! It is out of control. It sure is going to be curly. The back is really curly. Lately I have been trying to put gel in and blow dry it. You can see in two of the pictures, Cameron wasnted to blow dry his hair. He had to have it one too. I wouldn’t let him have it on more than a minute so he wouldn’t get burned. He had fun though. I have asked some of my girlfriends if it looks ok and they say it is the in thing. I’m still not sure about it. I also posted a picture that Michael took of me. You’ll see the craziness. Now onto my back and neck issues. I had to get another MRI on my back because I was having severe back pain. It showed early signs of degenerative disease and a herniated (I have no clue how to spell it) disc in my neck. The Doctor thinks that going through physical therapy will help it. I have been going to physical therapy for a couple of weeks now and it has helped my back a lot. I guess when I was a quad last year I never strengthened my core. Unfortunately I had no idea. So now I am trying. I feel stronger. The therapist is great. At first it was a lot of laughs and now there is a lot of “wow you doing great”! I love it. I joke around with him and say he is my personal trainer. It is a workout when I go. The woman in my church and my neighbor have been so wonderful in taking care of our boys. They have to watch them three days a week. I feel bad because they stay home for a reason and that is not to babysit someones kids! I know they love to do the service though. I know I would help out in a heart beat as well. I’m just learning how to accept service still. I just don’t like to be without me kids. I’m sure everyone agrees with that one. Enjoy the photos. Hopefully I can start writing more. I feels great to share this with everyone. Love ya!