New Camera!

Randy bought me this new fancy camera!! These are the first pictures we took. They are so clear. I love it. Here is a picture of Cameron in his new play tents. They connect with the tunnel. When I put it together, Cameron couldn’t get enough of it. I just had to try out the new camera to see how it would take in the tunnel. I think it is some of the cutest pictures of Cameron. You can decide for yourself. I also put up a picture of my hair. Everyone is asking about it, so I took a picture to show what I am talking about. I can’t believe how long and curly it is. I am having so much fun with it. I never thought that curly hair would look good on me. Now that is not me being stuck on myself saying that, that is from the compliments I get from others! I had to explain. I am doing good still. The kids are having much with all their toys. Especially the Wii. I never thought it was this much fun. My brother in law had one that they all played with in Utah when we visited them. I never tried to play. Wow, was I missing out on fun. I think I am addicted. This is such a fun family game time. I know that sounds bad probably to the Doctors out there, but I can’t help myself. At least we are exercising also. The sports package is so much fun. I haven’t tried the boxing yet. Little Michael did. He was so cute! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Love ya!!!! Rebecca:)
Hi Rebecca! Wow, your hair is really looking gorgeous!! LOVE the curls! How crazy that you have curly hair now! 🙂
Don’t ya just love these new digital cameras? I know how excited you feel because Dale got me one for Christmas this year. I take it with me everywhere! Those pics you took of Cameron are adorable… love how brilliant the colors are in those pics. I’m glad to see that things are going well for you. I had no idea about everything happening with your little one. We will definitely keep him in our thoughts. Glad to see that you had a wonderful holiday! We sure miss you guys and think of you often. Take care!
Hey! You look so beautiful! your hair is gorgeous!! The curls are amazing! I miss you guys so much!! The boys have grown up so much. It makes me sad that I am missing it all. I am glad that you guys are all happy though. Will you tell all the boys hi for me? Love you guys!!!
Love, Bronwen
I am so excited that you have a blog, it was so fun reading about your cute family and all you have been doing. Thank you for having such a sweet spirit and someone who always keeps a beautiful smile and hug for those around her. I am excited to get to know you better and please call me anytime you need anything! Your boys are so handsome and I LOVE your hair!
You make me laugh. You can brag about that hair all you like, girl! It does look great!!