March 16th, 2008 LOTS OF PICTURES!!!

I am finally home. I (Becca) spent about 14 days in Utah. As Randy posted, I went for my check-ups. Everything is great! I did get my port taken out. OUCH!!!!!!!!!! I really mean OUCH! It wasn’t even the action of pulling out the port, it was the numbing that hurt so bad. The doctor stuck me with the needle over and over again. Oh did I mention over and over again! It felt like he was cutting my skin although he wasn’t. I was screaming so hard. The doc just kept saying that it would be over in just a minute. I was ready to punch him. Really I was. My dad was over on the chair just laughing. I guess I was clinching my toes and moving them really fast back and forth. I guess it would look funny too. The whole thing only lasted 10 minutes. It was crazy. I really don’t think the doctor new how painful it is. I bet he hasn’t had one done to him. I know he is a good doctor, but I think he has been doing it too long. If you know what I mean. At least I don’t ever have to see him again. My dad still laughs when I tell the story. I am glad my dad was there.
As Randy said, I am getting off my pain meds. I hopefully only have one or two more weeks. I see the doctor on Thursday. Now onto the eye episode. I have Dry Eye Syndrome. Very badly too. I have been on a eye steroid and several eye drops. I have good days and bad days. I just went yesterday to get them checked. Not good. They are on fire. He gave me another steroid and some more drops. I just can’t wait to have it all fixed. I guess I am too impatient. I’m just tired of having problems. (Pity me). Ok, now I am fine. Just had to complain.
When I went to Utah, I helped my sister out. She had surgery and couldn’t take care of her house and kids. I felt like she helped me out so much during my time there, that this was the least I could do. It was nice to be on the giving end for once. I loved it. I helped her out a lot too. She had me bringing stuff up from her basement and taking stuff down. Things that I thought I couldn’t do, I did. Boy though, when the day was done I was dead tired. She wore me out. In a good way though. I totally enjoyed the time we had together. I love my nieces and nephews. Michael and Cameron loved it. Michael was spoiled and slept in the bed with me. Lucky kid. I know that I would have gotten more sleep without him there, but he really loved it. The sacrifices we do for our kids.
While I was there my Uncle Craig came to visit. Also my Grandma and Grandpa Layton. He lives with them for now. I was so excited. He is my Uncle that has a life story that is harsh. He has been in trouble since he was a kid. He says now that he has played for 50yrs, He was going to settle down. He started going to church (sacrament and Sunday school). He also got a great job. He is doing so good. I am so proud of him. His Bishop has him speaking with some adults and now with the youth. I really think that he may turn he life around. This is so good for him. I took a picture of him with Cameron. Cameron loves him. He must be good then!
Ricky finished basketball. He got to meet the mascot of the Mavericks, who signed his jersey. He loved it. Now it is Michaels turn. Michael started soccer. He was born to play soccer. This kid gets in there and gets the ball for him or his teammates. He is good at passing the ball and scoring a goal! He scored two goals at the game right before we flew out. His coach, Becca, loves him. All the parents and his coach think he has played before. I love it. Michael is so happy. As a parent it feels good when your kids are good at sports. Ricky is great at everything he tries and now Michael is. I love it!!!! I love my boys. They sure keep me going. Cameron is doing great in school. The teacher sent home a note saying that a lot of the teacher in the school stop by in morning to say hi to Cameron. I’m sure Cameron loves it. He is going to do great in school. He has learned a lot of signs. He also has learned to play on the playground as well. He hasn’t perfected it, but he is trying.
Randy has started playing in a flag football team. He is loving it! He played football for High School so he really feels like he is a kid again. We watched him play. It was cute. WE cheered him on. His team is really good. I’m glad him is able to play some sports. He plays basketball every Tuesday night with the men at church and with our neighbor. He says it makes him feel like he can get some cardio in. He looks good.
Me, well I am enjoying the new desk/scrapbook table Randy built for me while I was gone. I usually never get surprised, but this time he did it!!! I love it. It has laminate counter tops that looks like granite and lots of cabinet space. I am really impressed with the whole thing. It makes the room not so messy looking. I’m also working out at a gym now. It is the Lady’s of America Gum. I love it! I try to go every morning. I really feel like I am getting stronger. I need to look good for our trip to Hawaii! I can’t wait!!
Hawaii, when are you going to Hawaii? I am jealous. Sounds like things are going well. I wish we were still in Utah so that we could have seen you. We miss you all tons. Oh by the way, I love your hair. It looks fabulous. Love ya!