My life… March 23, 2008

Well right now things are going ok. I went to my pain doctor last week. I asked him how I can get off my pain meds. He gave me this medicine that is used normally for high blood pressure, but can also be used to help me. It is a sedative. This was the Thursday right before Easter. Randy and I decided that this would be a great weekend to get off since he had Friday off for Good Friday. Needless to say, I did. I practically slept all Easter weekend. Sweet Randy took care of the boys for me. Easter Sunday I managed to go to Church. I had to walk out at Sacrament meeting to take care of Cameron since I was falling asleep. It wasn’t because the speakers were boring, it was because of the medicine I was on. We made it home to do a very fun easter egg hunt with Ricky and Michael. We bought eggs that had stickers for a clue to where the other egg was hidden. There was 32 eggs hidden all around the house. We hid the eggs the night before luckily. I was so surprised how much fun it was. The boys were so worn out from running up and down the stairs to find the eggs. Randy was sneaky and hid the eggs up and down. It was a blast watching them. I have to give Randy credit too. He also made dinner. We had a spiral sliced ham, homemade rolls, corn, and REAL mashed potatoes. It was fabulous. I fell asleep after the egg hunt and slept until dinner. Randy made the whole thing! I love him so much. Back to my pity party story. So this was day three with no pain medicine and on the sedative. I had to be ready for Monday because then it is my turn to get the boys ready for school and do our daily routine. I chose not to take the sedative so I could be function able. Well… I still wasn’t. I couldn’t sleep and I was in pain. I took ibuprofen but that only took care of some of the aches. It was like I had the flu without the flu. My body just ached real bad. This is what a withdrawal is. I recall last summer when I tried to get off then, I hurt my back. Withdrawals are so nasty. I feel for anyone else having to go through this. I ended up calling my doctor to see what he recommended me to take half of a half pill. Basically 1/4 of what I was taking awhile back. I am now on 2.5mg once a day. It is so weird how much that makes a difference. Just as I thought things were ok, my tooth started to hurt. We all know what that means… root canal. Long story short I went to the dentist and sure enough I need a root canal plus other stuff done. I have periodontal disease, and a few decay spots that need to be treated and some fillings and crowns that are cracked and need to be replaced!!!! I give up. I am so tired of having problems. I know that my teeth could be worse considering what they went through, but still. We have shelled out so much money in medical just these first few months of the year. I am nervous how we are going to keep making it, but I have to have faith. I know the Lord will provide a way. He always does. It’s just discouraging. I’m sure you can relate. I just want a break for once. It can be someone else’s turn. I don’t wish it on anyone else though. See my problem? Enough with the pity party. I am still doing great besides my mouth now. My eyes are slowly getting better. It just takes time to heal them. I have decided that I am going to try and grow my hair out to see what it would look like. If it starts to go straight, I am cutting it!! Just kidding. I will probably still grow it out.
This month (well next month April) our area is having a huge huge garage sale. We are going to take part in it. So many people from all around come. There is hardly any parking anywhere. It is fun. Well we are trying to go through our stuff to sell. We really need money for the bills that are coming in like crazy. We are hoping to sell Randy’s car as well. He is looking to get a Toyota Corolla. I think that would be so cool for him. His Honda is really old. They say they last forever though. I hope we can sell everything. Pray we do.
The boys are doing great. We started Spirit Horse Therapy for Cameron. It is so good for him. He has become a little (ok, a lot) aggressive. I’m not sure what it is. I know this will work though. You should check it out at: The owner is Charles Fletcher. He is the greatest guy. He has such love for the little ones and his ponies. Cameron is riding on Snowflake. She is the sweetest thing. She is so calm and patient with him. His instructor is Emily. I love her. She is so good to him. It takes patience to work with him.
Needless to say my life is good, but frustrating at sometimes. I just need a break sometimes.
Donny (twin to Chris) rides Snowflake too! How great is that. I love keeping up with your progress, keep posting! I’ll keep praying. You are an inspiration woman! ! ! ~Daneen (DSG, Parent Infant)
Hey girl- Sorry things seem crappy right now. You are seriously the strongest girl I know though. Do you get sick of hearing that? Probably. I agree. You just need a break. Like in New York maybe??? 😉
You’re awesome and sexy and have the most amazing hair ever. Can we say jealous???
Hi, this is a random question, but I saw your blog link while looking for recipes. Are you by any chance related in any way to a woman named Katie Gibbons? She lived Forest Grove Oregon about 10 or so years ago while her husband went to optometry school. She was my Young Womens Teacher and I have tried for years now to find her and thank her for how amazing she was, and I still have yet to find her. Anyway, any help you could give, I would greatly appreciate. Sorry to bother you! My email address is
Thanks so much!
Hey Becca,
Hang in there. I think a trip to Oregon may be in store for you soon. By the way, I love the hair. My has gone curly too but only the bottom 2/3 so the top is still bone straight. We are thinking of you. Talk to you soon.
Love ya!