A quick hawaii post for now…..
We made it to Hawaii!!!! We had so much fun. It was so nice to get away for a week and just enjoy ourselves. Ricky missed us lots though. He said it felt like we were gone forever! He was spoiled at the Stacy’s though. He said he would go back there again if he had to, but he really wants us to take him to Hawaii with us again. I would love to. I think it would be fun to have the kids take surf lessons. I wouldn’t mind taking it with them too. I don’t know if I could balance though:) Michael and Cameron were so spoiled at Grammy’s. She took the whole week off of work and played and played with them. I was so glad they had fun.
We took a tour around Oahu lots and lots of times. We got car sick plenty of times too. We stayed in Waikiki and had to drive to the North Shore to go to the good beaches and snorkel places and of course go to the Polynesian Cultural Center and the Temple. It was so stinkin’ fun. I loved the Temple too. We went with Chris and Beka. We snorkeled with Turtles two different times. I was so excited to swim with them. They are so beautiful. We were asked not to touch them, but I couldn’t help myself. Let me tell you, there is a curse if you touch them. I don’t believe in curses but Ray, Chris, and I all got hurt after touching one. Advise: Don’t touch the Turtles. I cut my finger on the coral, Chris cut up his hand on the coral and Ray banged up his knee. Randy however must be safe from all curses. Lucky him. We went to Shark’s Cove and snorkeled. The water and coral there was so beautiful. We saw lots of different fishes and other sea life. Randy spotted a eel. If anyone has heard of my eel story they would know why my heart was beating out of my chest. Let me tell you… When I was 16 my parents took us there. We have never been in the ocean or snorkeled before. It took a lot of getting use to but we managed to get a hang of it. I loved seeing all the fishes and coral life. My sisters and I were getting out a little further than I was comfortable with so I headed back to the shore. Now I had a underwater camera with me and was enjoying myself until……… I looked at the reef and an eel was popping his head out, with his mouth WIDE open, looking up at me. All I can say was I walked on water all the way to the beach. I ran out of the water, fins flopping everywhere, screaming!!! Of course my parents were laughing and didn’t ask if I was alright, they asked if I took a picture!!! Really?! Would you ahve stopped to take one? Now I have since learned that the eels always have there mouths open to breath and catch little sea life. I wish I would have known this before. I have never been so scared before. I thought I had the eel stuck to me somewhere. I was sure of it. Ha Ha. So now when Randy saw the eel and pointed it out to me, I screamed. It was swimming around and didn’t look at us, but still I knew there was one where I was swimming. I soon swam away. I have to say it was so much fun though. We took lots of pictures that I will post little by little. I have to start with the one we took when we were taking a tour around the island. This older gentleman caught my eye. You could only imagine why.

See why?! Here is another one of Randy and I at the Polynesian Cultural Center.

I love Randy so much. I am sure glad I am here today to spend this time with him. More fun stories to come!!!!
I am so glad that you guys had fun. Mark and I are talking about going someday hopefully in a few years. You will have to tell us where the hotspots are and the fun places to go. I would be scared if I saw an eel!