More Hawaii!!!

See how white I am!!! I was trying to get somewhat of a tan on my stomach when my father-in-law took this terrible picture!!!!

Here is Randy being silly for a great snapshot!!! Look how beautiful the water is in the background. Now do you know why we don’t take any pictures of us at the beach. We also didn’t get much beach time to take pictures.
Here is a picture that I have to explain. This was taken on our first flight out of Salt Lake City, I got my drink and right after I took my first sip, I spilled it. It was practically full with ice and all. We had a movie on the tray and I accidentally hit it. I was worried that it would make it on our DVD player so I wiped it off quickly. Since my sweet hubby was right next to me…. it all made it in his side. My right leg got a little wet but oh boy was his left leg and bum wet. I felt bad. What a klutz. That should have told me how the trip was going from there. The sweet flight attendant gave me another water but made sure she put a lid on it this time. Ha Ha

Aren’t we a cute couple?!!

Here we are at the Punch Bowl. This was amazing.

Here we are at NUUANU PALI State Park.

It is called the windy Hill. I wonder why….

Randy’s brother Chris and his wife Beka.

Randy’s parents. Ohhh cute!!!
I will post some more fun pictures later. This is just a tidbit of the fun we had.
Looks like you had so much fun. We are definetly jealous. I can’t wait to hear all about it. We do need to chat soon. Love ya.
OK, so I dont tend to comment on blogs, but some of those pics are great!! You are one lucky woman, that picture of Randy on the beach could steal a girls heart:) (can you hear me laughing right now, he is so dang funny!) On a true side though, the picture of you guys together at the polynesian center is AMAZING!! Like frame it and save it forever amazing. (I think I am starting to sound like that dannon yogurt commercial..amazing:)
Really, I think that picture captured you both at a great time, you can almost see the love in your eyes. I am glad that you had some great moments to be together. Seriously, you better frame that. I love you!! ~Amber~