SpiritHorse Therapy
Charles Fletcher, Founder of SpiritHorse, has been recognized as an inspiring person on the Reader’s Digest website – Make Your Mark. Because of this honor, SpiritHorse is also recognized!
SpiritHorse would love for you to visit the Reader’s Digest website and vote for SpiritHorse in hopes that this will increase our chances of winning a grant from Reader’s Digest!
Simply visit this website: http://www.rd.com/make-your-mark-make-a-difference/make-your-mark-charles-fletcher/article74631.html
And click on
Cameron has been riding at Spirit Horse since he was a baby. This place is the only
FREE Therapeutic Center in Texas. Charles Fletcher had created an amazing atmosphere for these children. When I am there with Cameron, the whole world seems to disappear. The spirit there is unbelievable.
Cameron getting ready to ride!

Emily helping Cameron put the pad on.

Emily also helps Cameron with his fine motor skills by buckling the strap.

When he finally gets on he is the happiest. He thinks he is the ruler!!

Cameron also has to put everything back when he is done too. Michael loves to help. He also gets to ride when Cameron is done. I love SpiritHorse!!
I love love love that boy!! The pic of him smiling is the cutest thing i have ever seen!! 🙂
I love you guys