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Day 286

Becca is doing pretty well. She is still getting fluids in the attempt to keep her kidneys ‘active’ all the time. She is scheduled to go back in tomorrow for her Methotrexate chemo… last one of these! This will take about 6-7 days before she can go home, but again, it’s up to the chemo leaving her body first.

Each chemo is about a week time period. They cycle two on, a week off. This means three chemo’s will take about a 4 weeks to complete. This would be under normal circumstances, but it just depends if she gets sick in between or how long it takes certain chemo’s to clear from her body. The surgery recovery is between 2 – 10 weeks, depending how difficult it is. As soon as she is well enough after the surgery we should be heading back home to Texas 🙂 Becca will still have to be scanned every three months for the next couple of years, but that seems manageable!

Keep praying!

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