Day 30 – Evening
It’s amazing the people we have met through this, and we have met some of them in the most unlikely places. It’s also amazing that people we have never met are praying with us through this. For that I am forever grateful. I pray that the Lord blesses each one of you as he as us.
Becca had a rough day today. They have tried to administer medication orally, but her stomach has not agreed with her. She has thrown up a lot today. It’s also been difficult knowing that we just cleared a month in the hospital. Becca is a fighter and has tried to keep up her upper lip.
So where are we with the flights? Well, we found one (thank you all so much) but would you guess we can’t go because of weather? The plane isn’t pressurized and can’t fly above storms. So we are on hold for now until Thursday or until the weather changes. We also have a lead on a bigger plane that is pressurized, but we are still in the initial conversation phase. For now, the plan is continue with therapy to get her stronger.
I sent a request for ideas/solutions to friends in California; I thought maybe one of them had a rich uncle with a personal jet. 🙂 One friend suggested a sleeper car on Amtrak. Tell Rebecca to keep on going and getting stronger. We are thinking of you all the time.