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Day 95

Not much has happened the last few days. Becca is still doing well, enough that we are going to try and do something with her this weekend. She wants to get out while she is feeling well and the boys and I couldn’t agree more!

Ricky is doing well in school, but is missing his class and teacher in Texas. Michael is enjoying his pre-school as well. Cameron is just loving his mommy now, especially since she was able to pick him up for the first time this week! I am doing alright, just trying to keep the gears working 🙂

As for the weather, yes it’s getting cold! We are really missing the nice Texas fall weather. We love you all and thanks for keeping in touch.

Day 92

Becca has finally had a day without throwing up. I know that might sound harsh, but it’s the truth. She has not had a day off since her last chemo trip. This has been one of the most difficult weeks for all of us. Seeing Becca like this is not easy as there isn’t anything anyone can do for her. But the prayers have worked and she had a good day today. I was able to take the boys to church while she took a long nap. She is still working hard at her plastic canvas and it’s working well to keep her mind off of everything.

This week she has off again, so we are going to try and do some extra things now that she isn’t so sick. I’m not sure what they are yet, but I will let you all know. We just pray that she will continue to improve and keep working hard to gain feeling in her body. Thank you ALL so much. We are still fighting and keeping a smile as much as we can.

Day 90

It’s good to see a smile on her face. Becca has received the most difficult solution to date. She is still nauseous and is very weak. But we FINALLY found something to take her mind off of it. While even therapeutic, she enjoys cross stitch, plastic canvas, and scrapbooking. It has been years since she has been able to do this (children tend to take up a few minutes of her time). So it’s been good for her to do something with her mind & her hands that keeps her feeling just a little bit better.

Becca has this Friday and the next off of chemo. So we are trying to do the best we can with our time off. Please keep praying for her and want you all to know she is missing everyone lots. We love you all.

Day 88

I’m glad to report Becca is doing MUCH better today. Since the last post she has actually been very sick and couldn’t keep anything down. It’s crazy how quickly things can change. The hardest part is there isn’t anything we can do to help her. The doctors keep telling us she should be better in the morning, but something tells me they really don’t know since it’s different for everyone. They think the mix of the new chemo drug was too strong this time, so they will tone it down a bit the next time. The good news though is she is feeling a 100% better this morning.

While many might know, I wanted to recap really quick. The chemo treatment is for 40 weeks, with a surgery somewhere in there. The idea is to kill the cancer and remove what is left. We are in week 6 of the treatment, so we are almost a 1/4 of the way there 😉

Please stay with us and continue to be there, we can feel the prayers.

Day 86

Becca is doing much better today. She has been able to keep down her food a little better and she is able to sleep. She went and got her injection today, which follows the last chemo of the cycle. This is to help get her counts up. We are just praying that she gets better every day for the next couple of weeks. We want to enjoy the good times 🙂

Keep praying the tumor shrinks….