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Ricky made Cameron’s bed!!

To help Ricky earn his Wood Working Merit Badge, he made Cameron a new bed. Cameron couldn’t be more excited. It was cute. Ricky had a blast using daddy’s tools. It was an all day affair. The stain was a little stinky for a bit, but all in all I think it turned out to be an awesome bed. Good job Ricky! Now I need to think of something else he can build for fun??!!

New Years Eve Party 2011

Happy New Year 2011!!!

Adam all bundled up and ready to go PARTY!!

Cameron, Adam, and I waiting to celebrate!

Alexis, Danielle, Cameron, Adam, and I partying!!!

My girls for the night!! Cherise, Andrea, Danielle, Me, and Alexis:-)

Cam man watching the boys play table tennis.

Michael and Colben on a team against Dallin and Blake. They had a blast.

Danielle dancing with the Kinect!! That girl had moves.

Randy watching his competition. Seeing if anyone is better than him:-)

Nope….no one can beat him!!! He sure has the moves:-)

The count down!!!

Right on it’s midnight!!

Kiss Kiss!!

Picture time!

All the kids that helped us celebrate the New Year.

All of us adults. Man we had so much fun with our friends:-)

Before we leave they had to play some Guitar Hero. What a band they were.

Cameron and Ben cheering them on!

Christmas Day celebration!

Christmas 2010 was a blast! We had a very simple day. We opened all the presents and played until it was time to go to the Alva’s and celebrate Christmas with some other families that don’t have any family around. It was so nice. It helps keep your mind off of missing the family gatherings that you know your family is doing. That is the only hard part of living here in Texas. I miss my family.
Christmas this year was special to me. I can’t believe that we have Adam. He is such a little miracle. I know now that our little family is complete. He is such a good baby too. He doesn’t sleep well, but he is still a very calm baby. Most days that is. Of course he has his moments. It’s so cute watching the other boys bond with him. They all love him so much. I just love this little family I have been given.

Here is a lot of pictures that were taken on Christmas:

The boys getting ready to see what Santa brought!!

They were very happy.

Adam even loved the toys he got. He just sat in my lap and played with them:-)

Hudson loved his candy cane bone. At first he didn’t know where to begin chewing!

The mess of Christmas!

Adam just couldn’t hang in there. He fell asleep in the mess. It was so cute.

On to the Alva’s. They got an xbox kinect, so that is what the boys and big boys wanted to play. It was fun to watch.

Alexis and Andrea. Two awesome friends of mine!!

Randy and Paul playing the kinect.

Cameron and Keaton hanging. I think Cameron was more interested in the cookie that Keaton was eating. Cute!

The lovely Taegan!

Mommy and Cam man!

Ben trying out the Kinect!

Even Cameron gave it a try and loved it!

Another awesome friend of mine, Cherise. Love her!

When the boys weren’t playing on the Kinect or with the dart guns, you can find them on the Wii.

Party at the Alva’s wouldn’t be a party without a little card game competition! Of course they are the fastest and win. It is still fun to play though:-)

Danika holding our Adam.

Katelynn holding Adam.

Colben just loved the Alva’s baby Mckinley.

Adam’s first Christmas! I love this picture!

Cameron turns 6!

December 2004

December 2005

December 2006

December 2007

December 2008

December 2009

December 2010

So 6 years ago on December 16th our lives completely changed. For the better of course. Cameron was the best pregnancy and birth of all of my kids. He was perfect. I remember saying that something was different about him when he was born. Everyone just said that he looks different because he was just born. The next morning is when the pediatrician came in to explain what she found. I was all alone. Randy was at home with the kids and his mom. It was ok though. I wasn’t freaked out or worried. All I wanted to know was what should I do now. I am glad I didn’t know when I was pregnant. I think my imagination would have ran wild. So now 6 years later I am still in love with this little angel. Even though sometimes I could really use a break from him. He is at a hard age right now. We are still potty training and still trying to get him to stop sucking his thumb. It’s hard to break a habit when he come out doing this:

Seriously I should have known it would be a hard habit to break. He was the BEST baby too. Such an angel. 6 years later and I still love him like I did then. He sure brings some fun in the family. He started kindergarten this year. Oh it has been a little struggle, but fun. I really think he likes it. He is trying his hardest.

For his birthday we went to Abuelos for dinner with our friends the Brown’s. Then we came back home to open presents. He was so much fun this year. He loved all his gifts. It’s been fun this year and last to celebrate his birthday at school. Both years now the class had their Christmas party the same day. Cameron thinks that that was his birthday party. Hopefully next year will be the same. Who knows! Here are a few pics to highlight it all: