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Day 114

Today has been the anticipated day for us. We have finally met with the nero-surgeon. There is good news and bad news. The good news is the tumor has shrunk! Initial reports show it is now only about 2 cm in diameter. Previously we found that it was a little more than 4 cm.

So, then what is the bad news? Well, our surgeon had just flown back into the country today. He didn’t have time to review all the records first. He needs some time to collaborate with other film specialist to get measurements and opinions. So we have to wait. He wants to run some more tests, but it looks like he will continue the chemo for at least another month. We also need to meet with our oncologist to see how she feels about the center in Fort Worth. The bad news is we didn’t receive all the answers we were looking for. But the good news was great news… the prayers are working.

Speaking of which, Becca needs your prayers. She wasn’t released from the hospital today. She has a high fever and hasn’t been able to keep anything down for a few days. She is on some high doses of medication and she is hardly coherent. Her methotrexate numbers are not low enough for them to send her home either. It’s been a long weekend for us. I know that we have made it this far with everyone praying for us. Please continue.

I want to leave you all with something that you might enjoy. As you know, Becca has a great sense of humor. She is always laughing or saying something funny to the staff and doctors. Today in our meeting with the surgeon he mentioned that he wanted to run some more tests, but continue chemotherapy. Becca, half asleep in the wheelchair, looked up at him and said, “so I guess we don’t have to do chemo this Friday, eh?” That’s our Becca. We love you all, more to come.

Day 106

Today has been one of a lot of tears. Becca was able to come home today. She wanted to see our boys perform in the Primary Church program. She made it home just in time to be able to go to church. It was a great program and we were all in tears. This is the first time she has been to Church since this started.

It was really hard for us because we really wanted to be back in Dallas before this event. We knew it really wasn’t going to happen, but we still had hope. The boys did really well and we just kept thinking about home. It’s the first time we have seen Becca really smile in a long time.

Becca is doing alright tonight. She is still a little sick, but dealing with it. Tomorrow she will go back and have the port put in. It’s a quick day surgery, but it still makes her really nervous. It will be much better to have it in, but we just need to get her past tomorrow 🙂

Thank you all SO much for your kind words, thoughts, gifts, and most of all prayers. We truly could not do this alone. We are forever grateful for your generosity and will continue to fight to beat this. We love you all, keep praying.

Day 104

Well, as usual things haven’t worked out with our schedule. Becca hasn’t been feeling well and they are doing a culture, but they think she has staph infection. They just removed her PICC line and they will have to put in another until they can do the port. They have to postpone the port until Monday which is why they will have to do another PICC. Her veins are too small to continue with the meds she still needs with a simple IV. So, as you can imagine, Becca is a little upset and disappointed. They feel they can treat the staph with antibiotics without a problem, but they need to make sure that she doesn’t have any blood clots as she has been feeling pain in the PICC area for a few days. So for now, she will remain at the Huntsman for a few more days.

Becca is doing ok, just a few tears, but we know they are doing the best they can. The Lord is with us and we can feel the constant prayers of so many. We love you all.

Day 102

I hope you all haven’t given up on me! Darn Blogger seems to be having some quality of service issues the last few weeks. Every time I go to get on it’s down. So I apologize for not writing earlier. I suppose I also wanted to leave things on a good note as well 🙂

Becca is doing well tonight. We checked her into the Huntsman for her next round of chemo. We had a series of doctor visits prior to her going in, but all seems to be well. We think we might have figured out why she was so sick last time so hopefully we can resolve it moving forward. She is sleeping well tonight, they give her lots of anti-nausea meds that make her sleepy. They are going to remove her PICC line on Friday and put in a Port. The port will go under her skin in her chest. This reduces the chance of infection, as well as reside in her body for a longer period of time. The bad news is she has been worrying about this all week. Becca doesn’t do well with needles, so as you can imagine, this whole thing has been a very big trial for her. We feel it will go just fine, but I do feel bad for her.

Please pray for her. She will be going through full body scans for our upcoming visit. We hope that the tumor is shrinking and that they will continue chemo so that we can return home for a while. Thank you all for your generosity, love, and prayers. Keep the faith.